Now what was my point? Oh yeah, gratitude. A lot of people make New Year's resolutions to lose weight (I'm getting there, amazingly), become more organized (ha! with kids?!), or get more sleep (see "whack-a-mole" above). I think I'll make a resolution I can actually keep, as I've already had a little practice since the birth of our son. I'm going to resolve to be more
grateful for all of the incredible things in my life. Sure, I'm totally going to report the crazy things that happen and I'll probably be annoyed and even bitter every now and again, but for the most part, I want to spend 2012 awash in gratitude for the little miracles that have been bestowed upon us. Y'know, things like kids, good health, and convection toaster ovens.
Today, I'm marveling at the big things. My two spectacular children and the partner with whom I couldn't have done it.
(You might not be able to see it all, but my husband is decked out in flashy play jewelry. Yup. That's my guy. See what I'm saying? Grateful.)