Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Message to New Parents

I have several friends who have just become new parents and it drives me to write a few thoughts about those first three months that I wish I knew when we had that tiny little bean.

My thoughts on the first three months:

1. They are magical. Enjoy every moment, breath, gurgle, stretch, and eventually, smile.

2. They are the HARDEST in your life. I wanted to strangle anyone who said, "Enjoy these easy days, honey. It just gets harder as you go." They can bite me. Add the hormones and sleep deprivation together and I was delirious, emotional, and confused all the time.

3. Give yourself a break. I found that I was so hard on myself, reading all of the research about child rearing and berating myself when I couldn't figure out what was going on with my baby girl. Why wasn't she napping regularly? Sleeping regularly? Nursing easily like other babies? I realize now that they eventually figure things out. Just go with the flow.

So, for better or for worse, that's my list of things I'd want to know upon the birth of my first child. You are welcome to take it or leave it as you wish. ; )

Congratulations, friends, from the bottom of my heart. Parenthood is one of the most miraculous occurrences in life.