Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Mel is cooking?

Yup. I intend to.

I found a recipe that looks easy enough, but it does require me to brown the entire roast before putting it in the Crock-Pot. I'm nervous about that, but a quick Google search calmed me. Doesn't look too tough. And I really REALLY like the fact that there are few ingredients. The fewer, the better in my book.

Since I'm technically not working today, but we've already paid for the usual three days of child care, I'm able to do some things around the house. This is unusual without a toddler cruising around my feet or a baby asking for food/a diaper change/to be entertained. I'm pretty good at doing household chores with them around, but cooking is an entirely different matter. For some odd reason, I have an issue with the timing of recipes, even when I'm not being called off-task by my children. So with no kids, I really have no excuse. I'm totally going for it. Wish me luck.

So today, I'm thankful for my Crock-Pot. Thanks, Big Oven. I hope I can do you justice.