Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Of all the new words...

We have delighted in hearing the new language emerging from Zach's mouth each day and some of the newest words in practice are Grandma (Judi), Grandpa (Howard), Ali, and Nana (Terry). But I think Natalie might like this anecdote the most:

Taking a bath tonight, Z lifts up a little mermaid diving toy and says--without warning and clear as day--"ARIEL!"

I guess it had to happen sometime.

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Strange Argument

Natalie: "Mooooom, can I go play now?"
Me: "No, honey. It's still rest-time."

She gave up naps, but I cling to the idea that she needs some quiet time during the day. I know I need it.

Natalie: "But Moooooooo-oooooom! I want to be done with rest-time. I want to play."
Me: "You can go play in the playroom quietly, but you can't stand here bothering me during my quiet time."
Natalie: "But you're standing and you can't rest while you're standing. You have to go lie down."
Me: "You're so right. I will go lie down right now."
Natalie: (playing with things in the kitchen)
Me (losing patience): "Natalie, you have a choice: you can go play quietly in the playroom or you can take a little nap, instead."
Natalie: "I think I'll take a little nap in the playroom."

How did that just happen? I'll never know. Of course, as I lie on the couch, listening to the relative silence of my house, I realize that she's not sleeping; she's playing quietly. But you know what they say about beggars and choosers.

I think it's a win-win...for now.

Monday, December 3, 2012

From the mouths of babes

Natalie: "Mama, we only talk about poop and pee when we're on the potty, right?"
Me: "Yes, sweetie."
Natalie: "But Daddy forgets about all the time."
Me: "He does?"
Natalie: "Yes, because he's super...silly. He's way silly."