Friday, May 4, 2012


Tonight at dinner...

Keith: "Natalie, do you like Lady and the Tramp?"
Natalie: "Yes, I like that movie so much that when I watch it, I go 'woonkirikeee'!"

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tantrums, tantrums EVERYWHERE

The day started off so nice: We played all morning; went to the park and ate a picnic lunch; came home a little late (due to all those trips down the slide) to take naps. Then it all unraveled. Natalie threw a massive fit. Would not put on her Pull-up. After warning her that we'd have no story if she kicked me again, she kicked me repeatedly. I had to stick to my word, but boy did that piss her off. I hadn't put Z down yet, so he was crawling around and I was having to run interference with both while she tore around the house slamming doors and screaming. I still haven't eaten lunch, but both kids are down for naps. Finally.

And I'm so proud of myself because I held it together BIG TIME. Like, I wish I had a film crew with me, as I was so zen and calm and SuperNanny-rific.

More from the Natalie files

Natalie had a piece of plastic Easter grass and was "measuring" the kitchen table this morning when I heard her murmur something about angles. I asked her to repeat it. She continued to measure and said, "This angle is about 30 degrees." Okay, so it was actually 90 degrees, but WHAT the heck does she know about any of that?! She is constantly surprising us.