Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Wonders of Womanhood, part V


I'm still sitting after hours of doing this all day. Albeit I did work on the Galapagos/Ecuador photo album for about three hours today, but that was also done sitting on my ass.

I know I need to get motivated. I understand that there are people waiting for me over at Keith's parents' house. My brain is logical and comprehends the fact that showers are enjoyable occurrences (especially for clean-freaks like me), but showers are followed by the inevitable: at least 30 minutes of "getting ready" activities, such as slathering on massive amounts of lotion (pregnant women have horrifically dry skin), blow drying hair, putting on makeup, dressing, etc. I look forward to none of this.

Which brings me to my next point; I have often wished for one of those machines they had on The Jetsons. Do you remember that old school Hanna-Barbera cartoon? (By the way, don't Google this to find photos and think that you're going to get squeaky-clean nostalgia. I just saw some pretty sick stuff looking for a photo to post here. Consider me grossed-out.) Anyway, toon porn aside, Daughter Judy used to get ready in the morning by stepping into this awesome machine which would do everything for her in about 10 seconds. She'd step out on the other end and be magically transformed. That sounds like a great invention right now. I can only imagine how wonderful it will sound when I actually have a baby, too.

So what's my excuse right now? I have a hundred (I worked heinous hours last week, have to get up at least three times a night to pee, this is the only time I have to relax during the week...), but overall, I'm thinking that kicking thing inside of me is probably the best one.