Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Wonders of Womanhood, part II

Memory Loss

Also known as "pregnancy brain", this symptom caused me to lock myself out of my classroom yesterday.

Allow me to explain. Upon reaching my room after a meeting, the custodian kindly held my door open for me after vacuuming. I gathered my things and left, realizing that he had already locked my door. Great! Thanks, Francisco, my heart sang gratefully as I traipsed out the door toward my car, ever so appreciative that I did not have to juggle keys and my belongings this evening.

Skip forward to this morning while I stood at said door and rummaged fruitlessly for my keys as the realization dawned on me. I locked myself out and left my keys in my room. Ugh. This is so inconvenient. No matter. I'll simply find Francisco and have him let me in. That most certainly worked, but my keys were nowhere to be seen. I tossed my desk and then room for my keys for 10 minutes to no avail. Shit! I thought. I probably left them in my other coat. Crap! The Superintendent is visiting today and the staff is stressed and I have to go bother the office staff with borrowing keys today? Not good. Add more stressing and looking for an additional five minutes. Then, after giving up and typing a few emails, my keys appeared (magically) underneath my sleeve. NO. I'm not kidding. This, folks, is pregnancy brain. Welcome to my own personal brand of hell.