Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 random things about me

I wrote this for Facebook, but it's such a work of art, I thought I'd post it here, too. Sorry for being totally redundant if you've already read it there. 

1. I truly believe that most things, even painful things, work out for the best. 2. I have aspirations to become a professional novelist, even though I fear that I don't have good enough ideas or the skill to succeed. 3. I'm a natural introvert, but my job, sister, and husband help me to be extremely social. 4. Sometimes, I get absolutely CRAZY and must organize a drawer or cabinet (and sometimes I go mental and do both). 5. I love a reading a really good book. 6. I have a hard time napping, even when totally exhausted. 7. I like to believe that most people have the best intentions. 8. Ants freak me out. If I have to clean them up, I have to shower immediately afterward or suffer that "itchy" feeling all day. 9. Crafty things are good in theory, but I'm way too lazy to do all that. 10. I worry that I won't be good at feeding my child because I lack the cooking gene. 11. Listening to the rain fall outside is one of my favorite sounds. 12. Bob Vila and I have a little in common; I'm kind of handy around the house. 13. My house is my sanctuary. 14. I hate packing and unpacking, but love to travel. LOVE it. 15. A little thrill goes up my spine when I play slot machines. Ooooo...pretty colors. Fun sounds! 16. My husband is the most random, wonderful person. I'm very lucky to have him. 17. There's a wind tunnel effect through my backyard. When it's windy, the noise makes me shudder and cringe. 18. I talk to my mom and sister on the phone daily. This earned me the title, "Cell Phone Girl" from my hubby. 19. I always thought I'd move out of Southern California, but here I am. I can't imagine moving away from our families. 20. Cats are a crucial element to my mental health. 21. Disneyland is my happy place. I just wish it was a little less crowded. 22. I recently connected with several high school friends, some here on Facebook, and it has been one of the greatest experiences. 23. When I was young, I picked every grain of sand off my towel at the beach. I'm still kind of persnickety now. My husband calls me fussy. 24. Conflict freaks me out. I'm a pacifist, sometimes to a fault. 25. A few of my favorite things: candles, hot chocolate, the smell of campfire, animals, spa days, my own bed.