Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Home Improvement

Keith has been joking with me that I'm in a total nesting stage 
right now.  I'm sure it has nothing to
 do with the fact that I'm out of work and not able to do much, so all I can do is watch boatloads of HGTV and dream about the various renovations we could do around here prior to the arrival of our first child.

So yes, nesting kicked off last week with a formal garage cleaning, purging of all things electronic to the recycling event, a massive trip to Goodwill, and completion (well, almost!) of Princess' room.  Keith did all the heavy lifting, furniture moving, and most of the ladder-climbing (I had to help with the ceiling fan because I like to think that I channel Bob Vila's spirit when it comes to wiring).  Pictures will come soon once all of the work is done.

Today, we continue the process with Larry, our handyman, taking some of the heat off of my poor husband. The first picture you'll see is a sample of the four new lights we had installed (one by the front door, this one by the back door, and two on either side of the garage).  The second picture is of the backyard concrete slab where we used to have three very unsafe and rusty patio studs for a nonexistent patio cover (guess the old owner took it out but never replaced it). We had Larry saw down the studs and now, aside from some slight discoloration, we can actually make use of the space again! With a baby coming very soon, it seemed like an opportune time to take care of this.

With Keith taking a large amount of his spring break (and now his weeknights after working a good 11-12 hours) to do handyman tasks around the house, check writing never felt so good!  He returned home last night at 7:20, made me a healthy dinner, cleaned it up, and then retired to the garage to paint the chair rail that will be going up in Princess' room today.  He's got to be exhausted.