Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Skinny Scush

After her one-year appointment, we learned several things about our dear daughter. She has an ear infection, so the cold has progressed into her poor ears causing all of the fussiness as of late. Her first dose of antibiotics will be administered as soon as she awakens from her nap. We were also told that Natalie is steadily climbing in the 25th percentile, as she has since birth, in both height and head circumference. Unfortunately, her pediatrician noted that she is in the 5th percentile of weight. The universe is so unfair. Keith and I are madly trying to lose weight, while we have to add calories and fat to everything she eats. Why can't I have that problem?

Oh, and a few more things I learned today:
  1. With the amount of Kix we go through on a weekly basis, we need to buy stock in General Mills.
  2. I'm so lazy right now that I Googled the maker of Kix, rather than go to the cupboard to see for myself on the box.
  3. Natalie hates needles. I mean HATES them. Oh, and she doesn't respond well to the phrase, "Man up!"
  4. It would be really neat if all of our furniture was about knee-height so that Scush could cruise everywhere. She gets colossally bummed when she comes to the end of the furniture trail and has nowhere else to go.