Monday, May 24, 2010

Sickness, Suffering, and Shoes

I'm sorry I haven't posted in FOREVER. Things got a bit busy. I got a new job, Natalie turned one, she got me sick, it's the end of the school year. Things are hectic to say the least. What suffers? This project that only three people are reading (and I'm one of them). Still, that's no excuse for not writing.

So what's up right now? Well, I'm realizing how incredibly difficult it is to be a mom. In fact, I have the utmost respect for stay-at-home moms and single moms. Today, I should have stayed home from work because I sound like a Canadian goose when I cough. But when my husband queried me about possibly not going in, I weighed the alternative.

Let me backtrack. Saturday was awful. Keith had Saturday Work (kids who have previously gotten in trouble come to work on campus...not sure if they have to wear the orange jumpsuits, but it's fun to imagine), and so he had to leave me with Natalie all morning. That would not ordinarily be a bad or even unusual thing, given that I only work about 4-5 hours a day. However, Saturday was different because I woke up feeling like I had just been run over by one of those ACME steamrollers from the cartoons. So did Natalie. We were a fine pair. I coughed. She coughed. She cried. I wanted to cry. It was tough.

Fortunately, we got through it and Keith came home and took me to see Glee! live. That was amazing, both because Grandma and Grandpa were entertaining the scush and because the show was hugely entertaining. Spending time with my hubby is also a rare occurrence lately, so that was pretty awesome, too.

Anyway, back to my original point. I woke up feeling like that same steamroller had done its thing and realized that if I were to stay home, it would be harder work than going to work. Ergo, I went to work and got tons done. Great. So I returned home, hoping to feed my baby some lunch, play a bit, and put her down for a nap so I could flop onto the couch and do a bit of napping myself. No such luck. No folks--my house seems to be run by none other than Murphy himself. His law is always in effect here.

I got home to discover my nanny, Katie, holding the monitor with a look of utter astonishment on her face. "THREE HOURS!" she whispered to me with an incredulous glint in her eyes. "I wasn't sure if I should wake her up," she confided. I hastily hung up the phone (sorry Ma) as the wheels in my head started turning.

At that moment, I knew I needed to pinch hit. The Bean has been fussy lately with this cold. Really fussy. Like, I-hope-the-neighbors-don't-think-I'm-systematically-removing-her-toes-one-at-a-time fussy. So I knew that there was no freaking way I was going to stay home with her, all cooped up, both of us hacking like Canadian geese or braying donkeys after she had had a three hour nap. No way.

Natalie learned how to shoe shop today. Sorry honey. Trust me, it was worth the money for the calm smile on your wife's (and baby's) face. Plus our feet (all toes included) are gonna look great.