Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Natalie is tired. VERY tired. And as soon as I saw that first swipe of the hand across her delicate brow, I brought her upstairs for her afternoon nap. Usually, it's that simple: change the diaper, read a story, sing a song, put down sleepy but awake. Our darling girl usually falls asleep within mere moments. Who knows why today is different?

One thing is for sure: Natalie is quite competent with her rolling over skills and now she's not afraid to use them in her crib. She just spent the better part of 20 minutes testing my quads on the stairs by wailing like a banshee and flipping over into crawling position to really send her point home: "I'm NOT happy so what are you gonna do about it?!"

Fortunately, on my last visit I realized that she just had a new tooth (that makes seven so far!!) pop out on her bottom left side. I'm thinking its right sibling might be a tenacious one and that could be painful. Out came the teething drops and down went baby. Oh, she let me hear a little more about it, but she did finally stay on her back. Let's hope this one lasts enough to allow ME to come down from the craziness.