Thursday, March 4, 2010

Disturbing Dreams

I had a horrible dream last night. I think it was induced by the one Benadryl (yes, breastfeeding makes it impossible to take much of anything!) I took before bed.

How crazy is this:

From what I remember, Keith and I were climbing a mountain, but it was in a building. And then from over the summit, we saw a huge wave coming towards us--presumably a tsunami. We crouched into the mountain, hoping that the water would break against the rock and avoid us. (Yes, we're still inside a building.) We hunkered there, taking deep gulps, terrified, as the wave crashed and enveloped our bodies which still clung to the mountain. When the tide began to lower, we swam into another room and found a group of people that we had to save. Then I woke up.

With these kinds of dreams, I feel like I wake up exhausted rather than rested. No Benadryl tonight.