Monday, December 17, 2012

A Strange Argument

Natalie: "Mooooom, can I go play now?"
Me: "No, honey. It's still rest-time."

She gave up naps, but I cling to the idea that she needs some quiet time during the day. I know I need it.

Natalie: "But Moooooooo-oooooom! I want to be done with rest-time. I want to play."
Me: "You can go play in the playroom quietly, but you can't stand here bothering me during my quiet time."
Natalie: "But you're standing and you can't rest while you're standing. You have to go lie down."
Me: "You're so right. I will go lie down right now."
Natalie: (playing with things in the kitchen)
Me (losing patience): "Natalie, you have a choice: you can go play quietly in the playroom or you can take a little nap, instead."
Natalie: "I think I'll take a little nap in the playroom."

How did that just happen? I'll never know. Of course, as I lie on the couch, listening to the relative silence of my house, I realize that she's not sleeping; she's playing quietly. But you know what they say about beggars and choosers.

I think it's a win-win...for now.