Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Family and Travels and Family Travels

We just returned from five days of San Diegan adventures. Well, Natalie just returned from five days away; Keith and I took her down on Friday to attend Joel McHale's (of E Network's "The Soup") fantastic comedy show, left her at Auntie Ali and Uncle Jack's house on Saturday so that we could drive back up to go to a wedding (which was wonderful!), and then headed back down to SD to hang out with my dad and stepmom for three days. Enter a boat trip around the harbor, complete with wave runners and inner-tubes, a trip to the Wild Animal Park, and one fussy child thanks to a head cold and canine teething...

Have I mentioned how tired we are? And now we're screaming toward "Steen-O-Rama"--a family reunion for Judi's (my mom-in-law) side. Fortunately, it's in Yorba Linda.

Tonight has been a perfect answer to our frenetic pace. We've been catching up on our reality shows via DVR and are now dual-internet-surfing. Ahhh...

Please baby Bean. Sleep tight.