Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Some things I know about parenting so far...

  1. Sleep is not totally necessary for survival. It is lovely, but one can survive on very few hours of sleep.
  2. My baby's smile/laugh is all I need for a quick pick-me-up.
  3. My DVR is really full. Like, more full than it's ever been and I even deleted a bunch of season passes. Seriously.
  4. Wine helps.
  5. Squishy thighs and baby parts are super fun to squeeze. (But don't squeeze them too hard.)
  6. Other parents (yours truly included) are very judgmental as to HOW they believe a child should be raised.
  7. Books can explain/teach a lot, but not everything. Some of it is just art and love.
  8. "Me time" flies out the window when you have a kid. (I remember my child-less life with fondness only because I remember what it was like to do whatever, whenever.)
  9. Breastfeeding is one of the hardest parts of being a mom, but also one of the most rewarding.
  10. Did I mention wine?

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Optimism Prevails!

I guess having positive thoughts DOES work. The last two nights have seen our darling daughter sleep through without even a meal! Last night, she didn't even call us into her boudoir to soothe her. Rather, she slept a blissful 11+ hours. Ahhh...

Of course, even with our bout of optimism, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that we're aware that things can change in the blink of an eye. Tonight could be one of "those" nights, but we'll just relish the memory of the past few.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Oh Whiny One

Well, we're still in the teething stage, but Keith and I are optimistic that the first tooth will pop through any day. Our Natalie is such a good-natured baby; sometimes she'll be fussing and, through her tears or cries, she'll smile at something we do that amuses her. What a cutie. Love that girl.

We recently took pictures out on the front lawn before the time change on Halloween. Oh, and she is so cute it's scary. : )